Yes, the tabootopic: oral health. 是的,一个比较禁忌的话题:口腔健康。
To find out, researchers are exploring the possible links between oral health and memory loss. 为了找出两者间的奥秘,研究者们开始在口腔健康和记忆力衰退方面寻找联系。
The department's Dental Service promotes oral health in the community through promotive and preventive oral health services. 卫生署的牙科服务负责推广口腔健康服务,透过预防工作促进市民的口腔健康。
Objective To explore the level of students'understanding of oral health knowledge, so as to guide the clinic work. 目的探讨大学生对牙周病与口腔保健知识的认知程度,为口腔保健工作提供依据。
Sydney, Australia is the host city for the21st Congress of the International Association for Disability and Oral Health. 澳大利亚悉尼将是第21届国际残疾和口腔健康协会会议的主办城市。
The good news: taking care of your oral health will help not only your teeth and gums, but perhaps help your diabetes control. 好消息:关心口腔健康不仅仅可以保护你的牙齿和牙龈,而且可能帮你控制糖尿病。
The WHO oral health program is mainly for people living in poor areas. 世界卫生组织的口腔保健计划主要是帮助那些住在贫困地区的人们。
One area of progress is increased public understanding of oral health issues. 一个有进步的地方是公众对口腔卫生认识问题的提高。
Two years ago, he released a report on the importance of oral health. 两年前,他发表了一个关于口腔卫生重要性的报告。
WHO's oral health activities are integrated into the overall WHO chronic disease prevention and control framework of the Department of Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion. 世卫组织的口腔卫生活动纳入慢性病和健康促进司的世卫组织慢性病预防和控制总体框架。
And can improving oral health prevent cardiovascular problems? 改善口腔卫生能否预防心血管疾病?
Technical support for countries that are integrating oral health into their public health systems. 向正在将口腔卫生纳入其公共卫生系统的国家提供技术支持。
What is oral health? 什么是口腔健康?
Recently, the Sixth International Symposium on oral health and AIDS was held in Beijing. 近日,第六届国际口腔健康与艾滋病学术研讨会在京召开。
The study, which focused on tooth loss as an indication of overall oral health, could not adjust for factors such as use of toothpaste, which also provides a dose of fluoride. 这一研究,聚焦于牙齿的丢失和全部口腔疾病,并不是统一校准的因素,例如牙膏的应用,也能提供一定量的氟化物。
Many people think it is enough to protect teeth for oral health. 许多人认为,只要将牙保护好,就能保持口腔健康。
Conclusion: Reinforcement of oral health education for the parents and avoidance of the intake of sweet food and beverage are effective methods for preventing dental caries of deciduous teeth. 结论:加强对家长的口腔卫生保健知识的指导,控制儿童睡前甜食和饮料摄入,是防止乳牙龋发生的有效途径。
Chew gum can help you control craving, improve your oral health, and help you stay focused and relax yourself. 嚼口香糖能帮你控制渴望,改善你的口腔健康,让你集中精力和使你感到放松。
At the same time the release of negative ions and far infrared, to maintain oral health. 提升牙周抗菌能力,给牙周更周全的护理。同时释放负离子和远红外线,维护口腔健康。
Although smokeless tobacco is much less risky than cigarettes, nonetheless mouth cancer and poor oral health definitely occur. 虽然无烟烟草比香烟的风险要少得多,但是,口腔癌及口腔卫生健康状况很查的情况一定会发生。
The incidences of poor visual acuity and caries are serious, it is urgent to strengthen health education on visual acuity protection and oral health in primary and middle school students. 视力低下和龋齿的发病情况较为严重,应加强学生视力保护和口腔卫生保健工作。
Abstract: Objective To analyse clinical effects of oral health instruction on pregnant women. 摘要:目的评价孕期妇女口腔保健宣教措施的临床效果。
Effect of social factors and oral health behaviors of grandparents on dental caries of children 社会因素和祖辈口腔健康行为对儿童龋病发生的影响
Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of oral health education. 目的探索一种有效的健康教育评估方法。
The impact of oral health habits on periodontitis and COPD 口腔卫生习惯对牙周炎和慢性阻塞性肺疾病的影响研究
Oral health is a key driver of systemic health and quality of life. 口腔健康是影响人体健康和生活品质的重要因素之一。
As a result, it has developed oral health programs separately for each area. 其结果就是每个地方都有各自的口腔保健计划。
They examined lifestyle habits such as smoking, overall physical activity, and oral health routines. 其中包括吸烟,全身健康状况和是否做过口腔卫生常规检查等生活习惯。